When is the snake festival held?
The festival occurs on the first Thursday of May every year

Mumbai: It is called Processione Dei Serpari and goes by a variety of names, including Cocullo Snake Festival, Snake Charmer’s Festival or Festival of Saint Dominic, and takes place on the first Thursday of May.
According to Huffington Post, the festival is not about snakes, but is a commemoration of a local saint in the past who had got rid of the snakes in the village. A statue of Saint Domenico covered with live snakes is carried by the faithful during an annual procession on the streets of Cocullo, in the Abruzzo region in Italy.
To celebrate St. Dominic’s work, the village built a statue to honour him, which they parade around once a year and festival-goers can place money, jewels and snakes on the statue.
( Source : ANI )
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