India slams Pakistan army general's comment on Kashmir
Pakistani general called Kashmir as his country’s “jugular vein”

New Delhi/Islamabad: The description of Kashmir as his country’s “jugular vein” by Pakistan Army chief General Raheel Sharif evoked sharp reaction from political parties here, besides making the Indian establishment question the statement’s timing and its neighbour’s intentions.
Addressing a military gathering in Rawalpindi on Wednesday night, Gen. Sharif sought the resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people and UNSC resolutions.
He said that Kashmir was an internationally recognised dispute and that the matchless sacrifices offered by Kashmiris would not go waste. With India in the midst of its general elections and a new government expected to be in place by month-end, Gen. Sharif’s statement is being seen as one that’s extremely ill-timed. Both the BJP and the Congress slammed the Pakistani Army chief for his remarks on Thursday and condemned the “provocative” and “uncalled for” statement.
BJP, Congress slam Pak remark
Remarks by Pakistan Army chief General Raheel Sharif desccribing Kashmir as his country’s “jugular vein”, are not expected to help the atmosphere in view of the strained ties between the two neighbours. The composite dialogue has been stalled for over a year after an Indian soldier’s beheading by Pakistani Army personnel in January last year.
While Islamabad has, on several occasions, expressed its keenness that the peace dialogue be resumed, obs-ervers feel that Gen. Sharif’s remarks may force the new government to adopt a more muscular foreign policy approach towards Pakistan.
Former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal said that in mentioning Kashmir, the Pak Army Chief had “sent the wrong signal” in that the “Pak Army is not yielding on the Kashmir issue”. Not only are the remarks ill-timed but also don’t serve Pak interests, he said. Mr Sibal also read in the remarks a sense of “mischief”, noting that it was aimed at playing on the sense of alienation in Kashmir. He said it also indicated that Pakistan will continue to promote terrorism in Kashmir especially with the withdrawal of US-led forces from Afghanistan slated for later this year.
Questioning the timing of the statement, the BJP maintained that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and such statements amount to “gross interference” in this country.
Finance minister P. Chida-mbaram said Gen. “we sho-uld not take it (Sharif’s statement) seriously”.