Energise with indoor plants
House plants can promote good energy to your surroundings

How often have you entered a room and felt discomfort because of stagnant energies? Inadequate natural light, poor ventilation and absence of circulation all contribute to this. Fortunately, house plants can act as efficient purifiers. Plants and flowers generate vital energy by exhaling oxygen into the air.
Trees, plants, leaves and flowers have always been used in prayers since ancient times as they are considered auspicious for new beginnings, growth and good fortune. “Every home with a tulsi plant is a place of pilgrimage, and no diseases, messengers of Yama, the God of Death, can enter it.” Skandapurana 2, 4, 8, 13 Padmapurana Uttarakhanda.
Indoor plants in the office are said to promote good energy, thus attracting positive vibrations and generate more business and wealth. Place plants in the east, south or southeast corners of your office to attract good luck. Plants not only add greenery to your space, they are living organisms and interact with your inner being to enhance the quality of your life.
Plants also hydrate as they release moisture vapour and thus help to keep respiratory diseases at bay. They also remove 87% of volatile organic compounds every 24 hours. Nasa studies show that plants help by pulling out the containments from the trapped air and releasing them into the soil, where the root organisms convert it into food for the plant. Adding plants to hospitals improves the mindset of the patients and they recover faster.
Some of the plants which cleanse the energies of our spaces are as follows: English Ivy: It has a dense foliage and does well even in poorly lit spaces, thus bringing in fresh energies in dark rooms. It helps in absorbing formaldehyde, a common indoor pollutant prevalent in floors, carpets etc.
Ferns: Baskets filled with ferns hanging indoors are among the most efficient air purifiers. Ferns help in energising our indoor spaces. l Palms: These look beautiful in any part of the house and are easy to grow. They bring in a feeling of calmness and help cleanse the air by absorbing ammonia, which is number one cause of diseases of the respiratory system.
Snake Plant: Some people might not like the sound of this, but this plant is an oxygen booster. You can put a couple of these pots just outside a bedroom window, in the balcony or inside your patio, but not at the entrance as pointed plants are normally not to be placed at the front door. It also helps remove toxins from the air by reducing levels of formaldehyde and benzene.
Lily: Pots with lily flowers add colour and beauty to the indoors. They are natural air purifiers and help reduce air of VOC benzene and carcinogen and acetone, these things are mainly found in paints and some cleaners. The pots should be kept at a height and away from the reach of animals as they can be injurious to their health if ingested.
Begonia: This flower pot will do very well in your sun room and other brightly lit areas. It will also act as a filter for benzene and other chemicals.
Plants should be looked after and trimmed regularly as overgrown plants may invite negative energies. Avoid putting dried flower arrangements in the house as they represent decay. Fill your homes and offices with seasonal flowers in pots rather than cut flowers, to ensure a longer life for them. A lemon or an orange at the entrance is believed to keep away negativity.