
‘Monster religion’ allowed in Poland

It parodies orthodox religion and opposes the teaching of creationism and intelligent design

Warsaw: Wonders of wonders in Poland! A church that worships an invisible flying spaghetti monster can now apply to be registered as an official religion in Poland, after a 2013 court ruling was overturned on Tuesday, The Independent reported.

According to the report, a Warsaw judge rejected a ruling by the regional administrative court because the it had not allowed the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) a two-month extension for submitting outstanding documents, Polskie Radio reported.

A group of Pastafarians thats what they call themselves who gathered outside the court shouting “pasta” during the hearing on Tuesday welcomed the ruling.

As a movement, Pastafarianism parodies orthodox religion and opposes the teaching of creationism and intelligent design. For example, prayers end with the word ‘ramen’ instead of ‘amen’ – a nod to Japanese noodles.

( Source : agencies )
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