
Peaches Geldof’s body released for funeral post 'inconclusive' autopsy

Further toxicology test results will be done to determine the cause of death

London: Peaches Geldof’s body has been released for the preparations for her funeral after the results of her autopsy proved ‘inconclusive’. A rep of North West Kent coroner confirmed that the 25-year-old TV presenter’s body has been given to the family for the funeral arrangements, the BBC reported.

The mom-of-two’s father and musician Bob Geldof said that his daughter was the most spirited one in the family and they were 'beyond pain', while her elder sister Fifi posted on Instagram saying that she loves her beautiful baby sister and will never forget her.

Geldof’s husband, Tom Cohen, also said in a statement that he and their two children will love her forever, and he shall bring the kids up with their mother in their hearts. Further toxicology test results will be done to determine the cause of death.

( Source : ANI )
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