10 things you'll learn from your first heartbreak
Mumbai: You just realised you're not into him/her, but don't worry here are a few things you will learn from your first heartbreak.
'Not everyone you lose is a loss'- It's best to get rid of the things that are holding you down in life. So don't think of this as a loss, but as a gain. Now you can surround yourself with all the people who see the best in you, even when you don't see it in yourself.
'Time heals everything', it surely does, after your heartbreak. there's no exact measure of how much time you will need to move on. But remember when it happens you will feel like a brand new person.
'The best things come when you aren't looking', don't sit there waiting for love to come knocking on your door. When it happens it will happen, just be patient. Remember this when you're crying the night away under the covers.
'Twitter/Facebook is not your personal diary', you do not have to rant about your love life on your Facebook or Twitter and frankly speaking people have bigger problems to worry about, and you just attract too much unwanted attention and sympathy.
'Your Mother knows best' and even though she truley despised your former love, she will never even once sting you with the 'I told you so'.
All the memories and experiences that you've taken from your first relationship will make you even more prepared for your next. So don't worry look at this as a learning experience.
After your heartbreak you will compare every new person you meet to your former love and that is absolutely fine, you will learn that all men aren't the same and someday you will find another person who is a million times better than your former.
Taylor Swift and Adele Songs will become your anthem at some point of time in the healing process.
It's absolutely okay to wallow, and so what if you were the one who loved more.
And finally remember that even though this is the first time you've had your heart broken it may or may not be the last time. But if it ever happens again you will know how to take care of yourself, you will come out of the next one even stronger. You will learn to love yourself, you will learn so much about yourself that you never even knew. And when you former love sees how happy and confident you are post-breakup , he/she will wonder if dumping you was a big mistake. It probably was.