
Adele's songs accused of making people gay

Adele is very popular within the gay community

London: Oscar-winning singer Adele is accusedof turning people gay with her music in a TV documentary. The 25-year-old singer is on a list of things that 'men should avoid if they want to be straight', reported Daily Star.
Doctor Christian Jessen, 37, made the bizarre discovery in Channel 4's 'Cure Me I'm Gay', which sees him visiting the States to test several therapies. Retired doctor John Smid from Texas offers rehab and orders him to strip his life of things that encourage him to be gay.
In the documentary, Jessen said, "Adele is very popular within the gay community. You have to listen to Christian music." Jessen also said that he is shocked that people still think that being gay is a curable condition and that it's a load of utter rubbish.
( Source : PTI )
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