Fan frenzy to see Rajinikanth in Bangalore
Police resorted to lathi charge to disperse fans on Golf course road.

Bangalore: The Central division polÂice resorted to mild lathi charge to disperse a crowd that had gathered in front of an apartment on Golf Course Road to get a glimpse of their icon, Tamil superstar RajinikÂanth, on Thursday morning.
The gathering had caused traffic jam on the Golf Course Road. The fans urged the superstar to come out of the apartment and pose with them for photographs. Even though the police pitched in and asked the crowd to move, they did not budge till the actor came out.
Initially the police spoke to the actor and requested him to come to the apartment’s balcony and wave to the crowd.
The actor complied and stood to the balcony, waving to his fans. He also requested his fans to move and not create commotion in the area. But when the fans refused to leave, the actor stepped out of his apartment and posed for pictures. The crowd dispersed only after getting a few pictures of the actor.
It is a known fact that the actor who was born and brought up in Namma Bengaluru often comes to the city to meet his friends. During his visits, the actor, who maintains a low profile usually keeps his visit under wraps.
However, this time the news of his presence spread among his fans who rushed to his apartment.
It is said that the actor has been in the city for the past five days. Rajinikanth is said to have come to the city after visiting Lord VenkaÂteshwara temple at TiruÂpati and would also visit the Mantralaya temple in Andhra Pradesh with his friends.