IIT-M professors try to solve power crisis in India
Chennai: A couple of homes in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala will get uninterrupted 48V DC current from next month on pilot basis.
Researchers of the Tenet research group at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, have come up with a new technology to provide uninterrupted power to homes across the country.
The project is the brainchild of IIT-M director Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi and electrical engineering professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala (both founding members of Tenet research group) have joined hands with electricity boards of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala to implement the project on a pilot basis.
Explaining the functioning of the system, Prof. Jhunjhunwala, a member of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Council, said the power distribution company would install a dedicated 48V low-power direct current (DC) line from sub-station to houses. The current would flow through a separate meter to power three lights, two fans and a mobile charger.
“Nowadays you get brushless DC fans that can work on direct current and light emitting diode (LED) lights, which will be powered by our DC power. Our ultimate goal is to provide uninterrupted power to every home in the country, which we may achieve, provided electricity boards spend Rs 300 to Rs 400 crore to install dedicated DC transformers to distribute DC power,” he said.