
Jayal­ali­thaa okays Rs 52 crore for forest management

Implementation with Japanese funding.

Chennai: Chief minister Jayal­ali­thaa on Monday sancti­oned Rs 52.11 crore for various initiatives aimed at sustaining the Joint Fo­r­est Management (JFM) plan implemented with funding assistance from Japan International Coo­peration Agency (JICA), a release said.

The Joint Forest Man­a­g­ement plan, which is an extension of the Ta­mil Nadu Afforestation Pro­ject (TAP) Phase-11, was implemented at a cost of Rs 567.42 crore and fundi­ng for the project had en­ded during 2012-13.

In an effort to ensure sustainability of activiti­es initiated under TAP, the chief minister has sanctioned the sum for the forest department to continue the developm­ent initiatives which in­clude improving the fo­restry extension centr­es, the release said.

“These initiatives will be implemented at a cost of Rs 52.11 crore during 2013-14 and 2014-15 by u­s­ing the unspent portion of fiscal assistance given by JICA coupled with st­a­te funding,” the state go­­vernment release ad­ded.

Forest department officials pointed out that th­ese funds would be used to improve technology for monitoring forests areas and other forest related activities.

The largescale affor­es­tation of barren lands in the state has been taken up to increase forest co­ver in Tamil Nadu which in turn will di­rectly and indirectly be­nefit the livelihood of the hundr­eds of tribes who depend on forest lands for meeting their everyday needs, a forest department official said.

( Source : dc )
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