
Bids called for GST flyover at Pallavaram

In an effort to ease traffic congestion along the arterial Grand Southern Trunk road at Pall­av­ar­am.

Chennai: In an effort to ease traffic congestion along the arterial Grand Southern Trunk road at Pall­av­ar­am, the state highw­ays department has propo­sed to construct a three-lane unidirectional flyo­ver with a pedestrian su­bway at the intersecti­o­ns of Sandhai Road and Kundrathur Road on GS­T road.

The highways depa­r­tm­ent has called for the tenders for the flyover pr­oject, which will be co­n­structed at a cost of Rs 52.45 crore. It is schedu­led to be completed in 18 months from the date of issue of the work or­der. Contractors can ap­ply for the work until Jan­u­ary 30.

The 1.5 km stretch of GST road in Pallavaram ar­ea has three major in­tersections with the ma­jor arterial road of Old Tr­unk road, Sandhai ro­ad and Kundrathur road. Due to the heavy traffic movement on GST road and on others intersecting it, the stretch suffers congestions during peak hours.

The traffic density on GST road and Ku­ndrathur road junction is estimated at 15,450 pa­ssenger car units. As per Indian Road Congress norms, a flyover should be constructed at a junction if traffic density exceeds 10,000 PCU.

According to a senior highway department official, the 1.5 km long flyover will carry traffic of GST road from Tam­baram to Gunidy direction, which avoids major conflict with right turning traffic movement for Sandhai road, Kun­dra­thur road, Old Trunk ro­ad and other minor cross roads. Traffic movement on other side of GST ro­ad from Guindy to Tam­baram direction will be improved with three-lane road with footpaths.

Besides a two-lane service road will be laid adjacent to the flyover along Tambaram-Gu­indy direction. Mot­or­ists said the constructi­on of a flyover would ea­se traffic flow and re­duce travel time.

( Source : dc )
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