60,000 LED lights in extended Chennai areas
Chennai: The most-neglected areas in the extended parts of ChÂennai corporation will soon be lit by LED lights as the civic body is set to facilitate these areas with 60,000 LED (light emitting diode) streÂetlights.
Though the scheme was announced way back in 2012 year-end, the project is yet to take shape. However, sources at the corporation say that the installation of the 60,000 streetlights woÂuÂld be announced in the upcoming corporation couÂncil meet this month.
The lights will come up at Tiruvottiyur, Manali, MadÂhÂaÂvaram, Ambattur, ValasÂaravakkam, Alandur, PeruÂngudi and the SholiÂngaÂnallur zones that were annÂexed to the Chennai corporation.
“This scheme which comes under the second phase of implementation will focus on the extended regions. The first phase inÂvÂolves installing 13,000 strÂeetlights, both sodium vaÂpour and LED lights, in theÂse areas,” said a corporatiÂon official.
“The civic boÂdy’s aim is to replace all soÂdÂium vapour lights with LED lights in a phased maÂnner,” he added. “StrÂeetÂlights at some places are being blocked by tree brÂanÂches, obstructing the light. The civic body must prune the branches,” suggested AkÂÂshayan HarihÂaran, a resident of VijayaÂnagar.
The civic body has incÂreased the functioning time of streetlights following poor liÂght early in the wee hours. A press release noÂtes that streetlights which usually burn till 5.30 am will now be on for an additional hour for the convenience of the people.