20K students miss CAT in 2014
Chennai: With around 20,000 CAT aspirants giving the test a miss this year, acÂademicians are beginniÂng to wondÂer if the preÂmÂiÂer Indian InÂstiÂtutes of ManaÂgeÂmÂent (IIM) are losing their allÂure for students.
According to the data provided by the Indian Institute of MaÂnagement (IIM), InÂdore, the orgÂanising IIM for CAT this year, 1,73,738 candidates appeared for the examination when about 1,94,500 had registered for it.
Reflecting on the large nuÂmber of students opting out of the test this year, head of the depÂartment of managemÂeÂnt studies at Madras UnÂiÂverÂsity, Prof. P T Srinivasan saÂÂys the trend is bound to have beÂen noted by all stakeholders in maÂÂÂÂnagement education.
“I think the number of absÂentees is high thÂis year. StÂuÂdents have several opÂÂÂtiÂons now and seem to believe thÂat besides IIMs several other B-scÂhÂools too can offer them top claÂss management education,” he says.
Pointing out that several enÂgiÂneÂerÂing colleges too have coÂme forwÂard to start managÂemÂent studies thÂis year, he says thÂis has added to the opÂtions available for those intÂerÂÂested in this stream of education.
Dean (students), IIT-MaÂdras and management studies professor, L.S. Ganesh however beliÂeves stÂudents may have had personal reÂasons not to appear for CAT this year.
“They may have decided to taÂke the test next year. So I can’t coÂnclude that students have lost interest in the IIMs,” he says.
IIT-M student tops CAT
N. Arun Kumar | DC
Chennai: It was not difficult for this CAT topper from IIT-Madras to score 100 percentile in his first attempt.
All that it took him was just a four-month preparation witÂh a few mock tests. TÂejaswi Kasturi (24), finÂal-year B.Tech & M.TÂeÂch (dual degree) in electrical, microelectronics and VLSI design stÂudent at IIT-Madras, says that the coaching he had undergone to get a seat in IIT helped him crack CAT too.
Speaking to Deccan Chronicle on WednÂesday, Tejaswi Kasturi, who hails from SecuÂndÂerabad, said his strong training in fundamentals made it easy for him to crack the test with ease.
“I knew that my exam went well and I will score above 99 percentile. I was not suÂre about 100 percentile. My fundamental in quÂant was good becÂause I had prepared for my placement at IIT which requires us to take a lot of quant teÂsts. I had some verbal material and also took some mock tests,” he said.
Asked why he wanted to pursue management education, the 24-year-old engineer said when he was young, he aspÂiÂred to join electrical engiÂneering at IIT, but afÂter joining IIT-MadÂras, he developed a passion for finance, which made him take up CAT to get an adÂmission in one of the topmost IIMs in the country.
As he wanted to work beÂfore joining an IIM to puÂrsue management stuÂdies, pursuing an MBA, Kasturi, secured a job in one of the muÂlti-national finance fiÂrm.
“Initially, I had plaÂnÂned to work before joiÂnÂiÂng B-school. I had alÂso passed CFA level-I. Now, I will discuss with my family whether I shÂould drop the job ofÂfer, but mostly I will firÂst study and take up a job later,” he added.
Sravanth Talluri, anÂoÂther final-year B.Tech electrical engineering stuÂdent from IIT-MaÂdras, scored 99.98 percentile. “I secured this top mark in my first attÂempt itself, which maÂkes me happy. I used to take tips from several groups on Facebook, which helped me crack the test. I’ve got a call letter from IIM-AhmÂedÂabad already,” he said.