
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board employees get 7% salary hike

Committee formulates new pay scale; se­ven pc hike for all employees of Tang­e­dco.

Chennai: Chief minister Jayal­alit­haa on Wednesday anno­un­c­ed a salary hike of se­ven per cent for all em­ployees of state electricity board.

The revised sa­lary will come into effect from December 1, 2011, and will range between a minimum of Rs 700 to a maximum of Rs 13,160 depending on the grade of the employees, a state government rel­ease said.

The pay hike will benefit 70,280 workers and 10,160 officers of the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corpo­ra­tion Limited (Tang­e­dco) and cost the electri­city board an additional Rs 252 crores every year. The state government wi­ll also be spending an ad­ditional Rs 525 crore to­wa­rds payment of ar­rears, the release added.

Those workers and employees who have co­m­pleted 10 years of se­r­vi­­ce with the Tangedco will be provided a servi­ce period benefit of an additional three percent hike in their salary.

The outstanding arrear payments between Dece­m­ber 1, 2011, and Dec­ember 31, 2013, will be paid in two installments in cash, the release said.

The chief minister said in the release that the final decision to rev­ise the salary package was taken after she ch­aired a meeting with top officials of the Elec­tri­city Board and other st­ate government officials.

The agreement on raising the salaries of Ta­n­ge­d­co staff was rea­c­hed on November 30, 2011, following deliberations be­tween employees and workers of Tangedco.

A committee was fo­r­m­ed to formulate a new pay scale and several ro­u­nds of discussions were held with 15 workers un­ions of Tangedco.

Ba­sed on the recommendations of the co­mmittee, the chief m­i­n­is­ter announced the salary hike.

( Source : dc )
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