
Docs, nurses gun for NRHM chief

Government doctors, nurses and pharmacists will stage a demonstration on Thurs­day.

Chennai:?Government doctors, nurses and pharmacists will stage a demonstration on Thurs­day condemning the anti-labour attitude of mission director of National Rural Health Mission, Pankaj Kumar Bansal.

Members of the federation of Tamil Nadu government medical and public health department associations (that consist of 14 associations) alleged that one of the reasons for the demonstration was to condemn the high-handedness and authoritative attitude of Bansal, who is also the project director of the Tamil Nadu health systems project.

On condition of ano­nymity, a senior government doctor claimed Pankaj was very authoritative and fixes difficult targets that if they are not achieved, “we are yelled at that, too, in front of subordinates”.

Conv­ener of the associations Dr K. Senthil said there was too much pressure. But an NGO closely working with NRHM said Bansal has brought in lot of improvements in public health. Bansal was not available for comments.

( Source : dc )
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