
Facelift to dt govt hospitals

Cancer centres in Thanjavur, Tirunelveli.

Chennai: Public and patients thro­nging the government district headquarter hospitals can soon enjoy better amenities and quality treatment as the state gov­ernment has sanctio­ned more than Rs 22.5 crore to improve the facilities in about 20 districts.

Similarly the government also provided admi­nistrative sanction of Rs 30 crore to establish new reg­ional cancer centres at Thanjavur and Tiru­nel­veli medical college each. Each facility will come up at a cost of Rs 15 crore and the equipments for the centre would be procured through TN Medical Ser­vice Corp­oration.

And to be benefit about 300 medical college students, new hostels are com­ing up at the Stanley medical college. Dental hospitals in the state will also receive new equipm­ent including 93 electronic chairs, health department sources said.

Hospitals in Coim­bat­ore, Cuddalore, Dhar­mapuri, Erode, Kris­hna­giri, Kancheepuram, Ka­rur, Nagapattinam, Nam­a­kkal, Perambalur, Pudu­kkottai, Rama­natha­pur­am, Salem, Theni, Tiruv­an­n­amalai, Tiruvarur, Thoo­thukudi, Thiru­vall­ur, Thiruppur, and Vill­up­­uram will be given facelift in phased manner, sources added.

Funds are pouring in for government hospitals, but experts and medical practitioners opine that there is a need for more investments and recruitment of more trained ha­nds in the field of health to improve the standards of government hospitals.

“An one time investment in government hospitals across the state wo­uld not be sufficient for improving all the standards. A continuous sou­rce of money will incr­ease the care and tre­a­tm­ent in the governme­nt ho­spitals to that of a private hospital,” said Dr Sai Gowtham, a city doctor.

( Source : dc )
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