‘We are co-captains in our marriage’
The leader in Ajay Devgn and his beautiful better half Kajol held the audience spellbound

You know that election fever has gripped the country when politics becomes the agenda of a meet addressed by not political leaders but one of the most loved couples of Bollywood. Kajol, looking stunning in a bright yellow dress, along with hubby Ajay Devgn held everyone spellbound as they laughed, joked and got candid about their relationship. Still, politics remained the center of the conversation.
Ajay, whose role in Satyagraha is often said to be closely based on the Anna Hazare movement and Arvind Kejriwal, seemed irked when asked about the same as he again clarified that his role was not based on any political leader.
“As an actor, I believe that we shouldn’t support anyone or campaign for any political figure. If people believe in starpower and are influenced by what we say, I think it’s unfair on our part to take anyone’s name (read politicians) in a positive or negative way. It’s people’s right to decide who they want to bring to power and we should not influence them in any which way,” said Ajay at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit.
He continued, “And for the same reason, I won’t name any political leader that I feel should come to power. I only hope that whoever comes to power should be selected by majority, since in a coalition there are a lot of complications and no decision seems to be taken.”
The heavy political talk gave way to lighter moments as Kajol seemed to be in a lively mood. She took a few good-hearted digs at her hubby as well as the media, especially when she declared that she doesn’t like Ajay’s chemistry with any of the actresses. But unexpectedly, it was Ajay who talked more than his counterpart, as opposed to the popular notion that he’s a silent kind of a person.
Inevitably, the topic did shift to Bollywood when Ajay was asked the reason behind some really senseless films being made. “For that, you can’t blame the ilmmakers.
When a filmmaker makes a film, he invests in it and expects it to do well commercially as. But if audience decide not to watch a movie what can he do? He will have to make what sells commercially. Ab koi apna ghar bech ke toh film banayega nahi (No one will make a film by selling his own house),” quipped Ajay.
Recently, on-screen smoking has caused quite a lot of controversy in Bollywood. The issue did spring up and that too in the context of health warnings. But ironically, this warning was directed at the off-screen Ajay, and came from a doctor.