
Kids skid on Maths, Science, Commerce

St­ud­e­­nts fail in Maths, Sci­ence and Com­me­rc­e as subjects in the board exams.
Chennai: The state School Education Department has identified Maths, Sci­ence and Com­me­rc­e as subjects in wh­ic­h most class 10 st­ud­e­­nts fail in the board exams. The departm­e­nt has taken several steps, including having special coaching cla­sses and training for teachers, to help them motivate students. School education secretary D. Sab­i­tha said government sch­o­ol students don’t do well in Math­em­a­ti­cs, Science and Com­m­e­­r­ce.
“We’ve been an­­a­l­y­sing board ex­am results for the pa­st three years in wh­i­ch we have found that students have difficulty in subjects like Maths, Science and Commerce. To make all students pass the­se subjects with ease, we have asked teachers to identify stude­nts who face hardship in these subjects and provide extra care,” she said.
Providing details of how they train the stu­dents, Sami. Sath­yam­urthy, state general secretary of the Tamil Nadu High and Higher Secondary Sc­h­­o­ol Headmasters’ As­­so­ciation, said tea­ch­ers identify slow learners who fail in Maths, Science and other subjects with their half-yearly ex­a­m­­ination marks. “Once slow learners are identified we provide them with materials that would help them learn better. With our material and evening coaching classes we are sure that students can score more marks, or at least pass the exam,” he added.
( Source : dc )
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