Facebook updates News Feed to show more 'high quality content'
Facebook has reportedly updated its News Feed to show more high quality content to its users.
Washington: Facebook has reportedly updated its News Feed to show more high quality content to its users, including news articles and current events.
Analysts Varun Kacholia and Minwen Ji pointed that the updated algorithm would mean that users can expect more news and story links to appear in News Feeds, especially on mobile.
According to Mashable, the update would push those posts on top of the feed where a user’s friends have commented so as to create more conversation around articles in the comments.
The analysts wrote on the company blog that soon they’ll be doing a better job of distinguishing between a high quality article on a website versus a meme photo hosted somewhere other than Facebook when people click on those stories on mobile.
The report said that Facebook will also begin recommending related articles to users who click on a link from their feed and these suggested articles will appear below the original post.
( Source : ANI )
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