Stay fit with Ayurvedic fare
Pria Kataria Puri's fitness routine

I come from a family which believes in good health and fitness. For us health is wealth and as far as I can remember, my brother and I were made to indulge in brisk walking or jogging early morning before going to school and encouraged to play tennis, football and golf to stay fit. I follow a very simple fitness mantra, mainly consisting of body training three times a week, brisk walking or jogging twice a week alongwith a few classes of yoga, salsa and of course, belly-dancing for some fun.
My diet chart conforms to an out-and-out Ayurvedic fare, inclusive of all natural, wholesome foods. So I consciously avoid an intake of processed items which can do more harm than good to my health. My day usually begins with a glass of hot honeywater added with a little helping of cinnamon followed by egg whites. In the mid-afternoons, I prefer a fruit-bite and at 1 pm sharp, I have my lunch with a spread of vegetables, dal, curd and salads. Middays are mostly reserved for nuts and coconut-water as I love snacking on finger-food. While for dinner, I make do with grilled chicken or boiled meat with vegetables and salads. I do occasionally indulge in sweets and chocolates as I have a compulsive sweet tooth.
Pria is a fashion designer