
Here is an exclusive hotel for plants

The five-star hotel, created by an online plant store will provide complete care for the plants, free of cost.

Are you excited about going on a vacation but worried at the same time that your plants might not make it out alive till you come back? A five-star hotel in London, exclusively for plants takes care of your indoor plants. The service is free of charge, including the plant food and drinks. Freddie Blackett, CEO of Patch Plant Hotel was quoted saying, “We all know the crushing disappointment when you return from holiday to find your plant has gone from green lusciousness, to a burnt, dry bunch of twigs. We wanted to open the hotel to give a helping hand to the increasing number of plant parents.

The hotel created by online plant store Patch directs you to book a plant room through the website by providing details like plants’ arrival and departure date, plus how many plants to check in. The hotel consists of 100 plant rooms, which can be selected by the customers according to their wish.

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