
Insufficient micronutrients cause of hidden hunger

Study found intake of fruits, nuts, grains and legumes very minimal in children.

Hyderabad: Micronutrient deficiency was found in 6 per cent of the 1,400 children who were studied in multiple cities in the country and it was found insufficient intake of micronutrients is leading to hidden hunger in them which is not identified according to a study published in the Journal of Home Science.

Micronutrients are foods that contain many vitamins and minerals like zinc, vitamin A and folate which help to nourish the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. While parents are aware of ‘balanced diet’ and work on the same in foods they have to also ensure that foods are nutrient dense which will give the required iron, vitamin A, B12 to deal with problems of weak immune system, impaired cognitive function, anaemia and low energy levels. Dr V.V. Varadarajan, senior paediatrician explained, “Parents state that they are giving balanced diet like chappati, rice, dal and vegetables. But on closer questioning it is found that the intake of fruits, grounded nuts, seeds, whole grains and a variety of legumes is very minimal. The introduction of whole grains and legumes into the food systems at young age is not done which does not develop taste buds for these foods. Young mothers and fathers even in affluent families come with constant complaints of recurring illnesses like cold, fever and stomach ache. They demand multivitamin syrups but that is not the ideal solution.”

Dr S.M. Krishna, another senior paediatrician explained, “Young mothers have to take simple steps and buy those foods which look appealing and will make the child want it. In these they must ensure that there is a proper mix of crucial vitamins and minerals. These steps go a long way in dealing with malnourishment in children. They must also opt for fortified foods and drinks where the micronutrients are listed. ”

Micronutrients found in daily foods

  • Dark green leafy vegetables – vitamin A, C, K and folate. Minerals such as iron and calcium. Good source of fibre.
  • Milk and milk products contain calcium, vitamin D and protein. vitamin D and protein.
  • Grain legumes contain 25% protein, 45% soluble starch, soluble and insoluble fire and are low in fat.
  • Whole grains contain dietary fibre, different types of vitamin B, folate and minerals like iron, magnesium and selenium.
  • Fruits contain vitamins, minerals like magnesium, potassium and selenium and also phytochemicals
  • Fish contains vitamins D, long chain omega 3-fats, iron, zinc, calcium, iodine and other minerals.
  • Chicken contains different types of vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K, zinc and phosphorus.
  • Mutton contains vitamin K, vitamin B12 and zinc and iron.
  • Nuts contain folate, vitamin E and minerals like magnesium and potassium.
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are found to contain a good amount of zinc which helps in dealing with deficiency of zinc.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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