
What does cheese do to your body?

The good, the bad, and the balanced of it all.

One of the most famous affairs the world has ever seen is that of cheese with all almost all things edible. And while it’s quite popular in Italy, the entire world seems to be a fan of this dairy delicacy. However, certain people need to stay away from cheese because it can affect their health in different ways. Here’s what cheese does to your body-

Powerhouse of protein

Protein is a macronutrient, and your body needs large amounts of it to function properly. Harder cheeses are known to have more protein compared to softer versions. About 100 gm of cheddar (a hard variant) contains 25 gm of protein, whereas the same amount of feta (a soft variant) contains 14 gm of protein.

Good source of vitamins and minerals

Being a dairy product, cheese contains a lot of nutritional benefits. It’s rich in vitamin A, which is good for your eye health. A lot of people have low levels of vitamin D, which can be found in cheese, in addition to mushrooms and fish among others. It also contains calcium, which helps in making your bones and teeth stronger. So, it reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

High in fat and cholesterol, but…

Most dairy products contain a lot of calories. Ideally, fats should be the source of less than 30 per cent of your total calories for a day. High amounts of bad cholesterol can increase your chances of having heart diseases, in addition to making you gain weight. But, cheese made from low-fat milk can help you control your fat intake, as noted by Livestrong.

High levels of sodium

Salt is used at several stages when cheese is prepared. Even a small serving of cheese can be very high on sodium. A cup of 100 gm of cheddar has about 621 mg of sodium. Increased salt intake can lead to increased chances of developing hypertension, high blood pressure and heart diseases. Diabetics, in particular, need to be slightly careful about consuming cheese. But there are low-salt versions available in the market.

For lactose intolerant people

Some people cannot take dairy products well due to insufficiency of enzyme lactase in their gastrointestinal tract, which helps in breaking down lactose into simple sugars. It’s recommended to go for cheddar or Swiss, because they contain low levels of lactose. If you’re lactose intolerant, consult a dietician before making changes to your diet.

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